Browsing All posts tagged under »science«

Enough Food IF

January 29, 2013


  Join the campaign now! This year, many of the world’s most powerful leaders will meet in the UK. They must change the future for millions of people who live with the day to day struggle against hunger. But that will only happen IF we get together and make them act.

The Crisis in Europe

June 6, 2012


Remarks at the Festival of Economics, Trento Italy | George Soros. Until recently, my interpretation of financial markets was either ignored or dismissed by academic economists. All this has changed since the crash of 2008. Reflexivity became recognized but, with the exception of Imperfect Knowledge Economics, the foundations of economic theory have not been subjected […]

Venus Transit

June 5, 2012


Transit of Venus: stargazers prepare for rare planetary spectacle | Science | Planet’s passing across the sun offers once-in-a-lifetime event for viewers around the world, not due to recur until 2117

Immersion in a foreign language rewires your brain – especially when you take time off

May 8, 2012


Immersion in a foreign language rewires your brain – especially when you take time off.